I took a short intro to this topic at a Tech Camp about Google Chrome - extensions, apps and add ons and I must say, I came away more confused than ever.
After spending the time with this Cool Tool, I now have a much better understanding of the differences. I took a look at several of each and I am including a screen shot that shows the sample apps and extensions that I added. As usual I went crazy looking at all the choices and had a hard time just picking a few to add.
The extensions are up next to the web address.
The apps, are in a grid pinned to my tool bar that opens up (a nice feature you can access from anywhere - you don't have to be in Google Chrome) I added quite a few apps including POCKET which can capture any video or web site for later viewing. Very easy to use and when you open it up, you see the actual article or video so you know what it is.
I added on a couple of add-ons while I was in a Google doc but I had a harder time finding something useful to add (I did add easy bib, a highlighter and speech recognition)
From now on I will look at it more from a particular need, for apps and extensions, than just looking at all of the options.
I use both Internet Explorer and Google chrome. I have used Internet Explorer forever and had things mostly set the way I liked them. Recently, I have had to use Chrome more and more because school has embraced Google products - drive, forms, classroom etc. Looking at the settings helped me to understand some things about both. For example, I couldn't find out why Bing kept coming up as a default search when I opened a new tab in Internet Explorer when I found it in the advanced settings and changed it.
Terrific! So glad this lesson helped sort out what you heard at the tech camp.