I decided to revisit accounts that I set up years ago for Good Reads, Face Book and Twitter.
I haven't really used any of them because I didn't have time and didn't see the relevance to school.
I like the separate group for Good Reads to make it specific and the potential of setting up a future group for older students to interact about their reading interests.
I had twitter and face book accounts but I didn't like constantly getting bombarded with notifications (even after I had changed the settings) They seemed to have fixed that but I have to wait and see.
My daughter is on both constantly - of course that is her generation and she sends me tweets all the time about things that she thinks are interesting to me.
When I went on face book to look at it again, I saw a post she had on it and commented. She came right back with "what are you doing on face book?" I got a kick out of that.
I am seeing the use of twitter and face book between teachers for sharing information and ideas but as far as I know, we cannot use either one in school so I don't see how I could use it with elementary students as yet.
Twitter is a terrific place for sharing information with other teachers, old and young! :) Also ok to lurk and use it as a resource for finding useful resources. Goodreads would be a great place to supplement your book clubs.